Initial observation : Video Polysomnography recording allowed us to bring to light at a 59-year-old man’s a characteristical sequence beginning with an erection followed by a fall of the saturation (which evolves from 97 % to 93 %) then of the appearance of obstructive respiratory events. This sequence is preceded by a period of REM sleep interrupted by an awakening followed by a passage by supine position. The analysis of the saturometry signal does not allow to put in relationship, in a (…)
Accueil > European Sleep Research Society > 2012 - Paris
2012 - Paris
Erection - desaturation - apneas. A story of nose ?
22 juin 2012 -
Pulse Wave Photo-plethysmogram analysis, calculation and distribution of a reactivity index over 1837 polysomnographics recordings
22 juin 2012Pulse Wave photoplethysmography uses light absorbance technology to detect waves produced by heart pulsation. This technique associated with absoprtion spectrophotometry is at origin of SpO2 measure. Photoplethysmogram is frequently a part of signals recorded during polysomnography. For Brosh and al this signal can be considered as good indicator of coronary pathology. For Kirichenko and al normalization of the pulse photoplethysmogram amplitude can be used as indicator of anti-hypertensive (…)