Accueil > European Sleep Research Society > 2020 - Seville (e-congres)
2020 - Seville (e-congres)
Quantitative aspects of the Sympatho Vagal Balance reported from 523 polysomnographic recordings
12 août 2020
Objectives / Introduction : We systematically integrated the sympatho-vagal balance calculation when analyzing the sleep records. The sympathovagal balance is calculated from the analysis of the variability of the RR space obtained from the ECG signal. We relate the results of the calculations to the other sleep parameters and to the diagnosis made after polysomnography. Methods : The computation of the sympathovagal balance is carried out from the computation of the spectral analysis of (…)
Postural aspects and polysomnography
12 août 2020
Objectives / Introduction : The clinical observation of patients referred for suspected sleep apnea shows similarities in different parameters. A neck circumference greater than 42cm is clearly identified. Cervical kyphosis, curling, antepulsion of the shoulder are easily assessable parameters in current clinical practice. Methods : The postural parameters are obtained, the subject in a standing position at rest, the back aligned to a vertical plane, from the measurement of the distances (…)