Accueil > European Sleep Research Society > 2010 - Lisbonne > Epworth Sleepiness Scale distribution among smokers and drinkers
Epworth Sleepiness Scale distribution among smokers and drinkers
dimanche 14 novembre 2010, par
Cugy D.
Since 2004 ESS is used for sleepiness screening in patient olders than 40 at Bordeaux and Cenon primary healthcare centers. Many others informations are recorded like : patient status – smoker or no, -drinkers or no. 33962 healthcare checkups were performed from 2004 to December 31, 2008. We segmented the 33962 checkups on the basis these datas : smokers (n = 16419), occasional smokers (n = 10599), non smokers (n = 6944) ; alcool drinkers (n = 3434), occasional drinkers (n = 21488), non drinkers (n = 9040). The comparison of the distribution of ESS between populations was conducted using a test khi2. There is a significant difference in distribution between smokers and non smokers (P < 0.0001). For the smokers, distribution of scores was shifted toward lower scores than that among nonsmokers. He also found a significant difference between drinkers and nondrinkers (P < 0.0001). For alcool drinkers, distribution of scores is shifted towards higher scores than that observed among non-drinkers. The increase in ESS score with alcohol is consistent with findings of Koutsourelakis et al [1] The decrease in ESS score with smoking is consistent with what is observed among drivers of trucks [2] who use tobacco against drowsiness.
References : 1. Koutsourelakis et al. Determinants of subjective sleepiness in
suspected obstructive sleep apnoea. J Sleep Res., 2008, 17 : 437–
443. Epub 2008 Aug 27.
2. Viegas, C.A. et al. Prevalence of risk factors for obstructive sleep
apnea syndrome in interstate bus drivers. J Bras Pneumol., 2006, 32 : 144–149.